Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6

As I thumbed through pics and videos today of this last year, I thought I'd wet your appetite with some events from this past year...after all who really knows if what I am saying is a bunch of BS right? Well one of my closest friends and client is NASCAR driver Taylor Barton and this year Taylor and I (as his manager nd friend) shared some memorable moments and met some incredible people. So I thought I'd share some of that excitement through video and photos. Here's Taylor in true Las Vegas style...he's not shy in front of the camera.

Here we are at his first race in 2010 at Irwindale Speedway in CA.

And here he is on the track with team...

Must say he is a pain in the ass, but I love him like he is my 6th child. He has grown so much over the time I have known him. You see Taylor is an only child, when he is around our family he sometimes get's overwhelmed with the kids and the chaos, but he also loves it and  the kids love him like a works out pretty good for everyone. There is one thing I know for sure...we have been brought together to remind ourselves to be humble and learn from each other. You can't really define our relationship but I am sure it will stand the test of time, God knows it has withstood many challenges already. He is a welcomed and appreciated permanent blessing in our lives.

Taylor was fortunate to test with Roush Racing and Kyle Busch Motorsports as he prepared for the 2011 season, for those of you who don't know NASCAR (believe me I didn't know much until I met Taylor) it is a pretty big deal. Which leads me to one of our most memorable trips this year. After the test with Kyle Busch in Atlanta we headed for the Big Apple. We were invited by a mutual friend to attend the launch of the Stan Lee Foundation during the kick off of Comic Con in NYC.

It was a surreal event for was held at the NASDAQ fish bowl in Times Square.  The minute we walked in it was like we walked onto the set of Sex In The City. Taylor walked the red carpet and I waited on the other side, when he came over I heard a familar gay voice it was "Anthony" (Stanford's boyfriend/husband) from the show holding a martini in one hand in true SITC fashion. He came right over to Taylor and said "You're a NASCAR driver? Did you see SouthPark this last week it was all about was hilarious..(include gay laugh)" I thought I was dreaming....I didn't know if I should laugh or wake myself up with a martini to the face....

Here's a pic of Anthony-Mario is his real name....
As we headed up stairs we mingled had drinks and conversations that I quickly forgot, with people that were quickly forgettable and some that were unforgettable. As Taylor and I mingled and caught a glimpse of Times Square outside the Fish Bowl....

It was about this time a familiar voice asked me "Don't you work at Boys & Girls Clubs in Las Vegas?" I turned around to see a somewhat familiar face... then Taylor whispered to me that is NEYO! We had done some work with him at the Clubs with the kids, he is originally from Las Vegas and very supportive of inner city youth. Kinda of in shock, I quickly introduced him to Taylor and we chatted for a bit and then he said why don't we do an interview together later...of courseI wasn't gonna let that opportunity slip by it would be great for Taylor and his goals to help the kids in Vegas. Not to mention NEYO was a very cool cat.

As the night went on there was part of the program for photo opps and who but Mrs. Drama Queen herself walked in...yes folks it was "Danielle" from House Wives of New was soo wierd. She was taking photos with Taylor and NEYO and then her publicist started asking me 20 questions about Taylor, she wanted to come as Taylor's date to Las Vegas for Taylor's Celebrity Poker Tournament (will share more about that recent event later) and we exchanged cards.

wierd pic of her putting her hand in front of camera...I think she was whispering something perverted in Taylor's ear, which I know he would get way to much gratification from....

Soon after NEYO and Taylor did their interview, not the best sound quality, you can barely hear me in the back asking questions. But the overal message was pretty good.

The night was pretty exciting. During the auction to benefit the Stan Lee (which we had met before and again that night, he is a genius and very sweet man) Taylor purchased the Fantastic Four robe that Stan wore in the episode of Big Bang Theory with a signed script...a true comic collector's dream piece.

Taylor and I ended the night in tru Comic Con and Stan Lee style with our favorite NYC hero Spidey himself...

Well can't say the night ended was too early to crash and the lights and action kept us going, after all who can survive on appetizers smaller than a cocktail olive, we were both hungry after the party and stiff martinis...and if it ther is one thing Taylor and I share it is an appetite for good food. After our bellies were filled with New York's finest and greasiest treats we called it night and took home a cab.....pulled by horse in true NYC tourist style.

Until Manana......

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