Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11

1/11/11-Life never seems to surprise me, but is as consistent as today's date.  For those of you like my husband, who appreciate vehicles, this will be right up your alley.

Our world is full of broken people, but that is not such a bad thing, because without broken people their would be no need for mechanics, thus our reason for existence.

We are the mechanics consistently repairing one another, whether it be fueling each other with hope and inspiration or giving each other a daily tune up. Everyone of us is needed by another, whether they are family member, friend, or a stranger. The sooner we understand the simple fact, we are here to help one another, the sooner we can get to work at our real job, as a mechanic. Some of us are skilled with body work while others are talented with the intricacies of building engines, but every part of us needs occasional TLC from a mechanic. Without something to repair a mechanic is useless.

Longer trips and bumpier roads, require more attention from a mechanic. The more highways we travel the wiser we become about the routes we have taken and the routes we should avoid, often leaving and pointing out a clear path for others to take. Every road trip will need a few oil changes and maybe a few new parts, but not without the help of a good mechanic, no vehicle can change their own oil.

We are all travelers, but not yet all mechanics. Being a mechanic is something you may have learned at a very young age, maybe a few mechanics took you under their wing and showed you few things in the shop when you got older, or you may have never experienced the expertise of mechanic so you don't know how important it is to be one....and know one. Well it is never too late to be a mechanic, with a world full of broken people in need of repair the job opportunities are limitless and the paycheck is incomparable.  When's the last time you filled someones tank or helped them change a much needed tire?

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