Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

As I begin to experiment with blogging, I have learned a few things. Titles are important...spelling and grammer not so much. Also there needs to be a more defined goal. With that being said since it is New Years Day and one of the only things I have been consistent with each New Year is consistently setting the same New Year's resolutions and consistently failing to achieve I have made a new resolution to write/blog every day (that it's physically possible). If anything at the end of the year I will have a book whether I wanted one or not, I can check that off the bucket list...write a book....check!

No one ever said it had to be published, but who knows maybe someone will think it's worth sharing with others...because of my business and because I am in Las Vegas, it has allowed me some rare opportunities such as sitting next to Chuck Liddell  (famous UFC champion) to conversing with the controversial Joe Jackson..and oh yeah having lunch with NASCAR Champion Kyle Busch to name a few in the last year....and the funny part is these things all happen within minutes of changing my child's diaper to disciplining my teenage daughter for shoplifting...and there it is folks the dynamics of Heather's life.

Sounds self absorbed...right...well I can't say there isn't a little selfishness in this process I would be lying. But more importantly the goal is to become more selfless throughout this process. This past year shockingly enough my eyes have been opened to many of the things I have done to lead me to this point in my life. All the choices and all the consequences...good and bad. What I do know is that this is right where God planned me to be and for that I am thankful...let's take a quick recap...

Married/Divorced/Married (all the same man) now there's a story right? Five children (three dad's) whew this is getting better and better....Business owner (consulting firm) things are looking up....and let's see oh yeah 36 and half years old...yes I look forward to my older years, the freedom it brings. I don't fear my 40th nor my 50th children will all be grown and starting their adult oldest is 17 going to be 18 in May. Don't worry I will do the math for you I was barely 19 when I had her....the others are much younger....9 (boy) -7 (boy) -5 (girl) -and 3 (boy).

One more thing that is pretty important to me and what keeps me focused, my Christianity, I was baptized Christian in 1999, but before that raised Catholic. Don't worry my goal is not to preach to you about being a Christian, you see I do my best to not ever mention my faith, unless the opportunity presents itself. I prefer that my actions speak louder than words, however seeing it's a little difficult to do that via blog, I will put it out there this one time. Believe me I stumble on a daily basis and a four letter word is not uncommon in my vocabulary. But to prevent this from sounding like an ad for a Christian dating site I will stop there and move on quickly.

Since it's close to being the second day, in closing I wish you a Happy New Year!
P.S. make realistic and achievable resolutions....

Until Manana...

1 comment:

  1. Loving the start of your 365 days of blogging already:) I will be a fan!
