Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

I am my mother's daughter. Funny thing about being the oldest of 11 children, we all have our mother's qualities and I really never noticed until I started getting older. My mom is very traditional in the sense, she cooks home made meals, reads, sews, knits, quilts, bakes, gardens, and much more. When people ask me how do I do it, well I am quickly reminded of my mom. She is the hardest working. most patient forgiving woman I know. Even though she has 11 children ages 11-36, her vocation of choice is a school bus driver??? Crazy I know, even I don't get it. Not just normal average kids, but yes folks, she drives the short bus.The kids that need the most attention, handicapped children. But she get's up before the sun rises around 4 am everyday at the age of 50 something (yeah I don't want to know how old she is and I can barely remember my own kids ages sometimes) to drive around Vegas taking children to school.

As I get older I'm beginning to appreciate more the traditions my mom has passed down, everyone of us can whip up a meal with what's in the pantry, save $10 dollars at the grocery store with coupons and ads, and make a gift out of  recycled materials and scraps from the craft bin. Oh yeah and heal/relieve any cut, burn, or wound with good old soap and water and pure aloe vera straight from the backyard.

During the holidays the itch to sew came upon me and I made three felt embroidered stockings for the three youngest, who had not had the pleasure of having their own yet. That quickly kindled a longing in me to get back to learning about the crafts my mom knew so well. Quilting had always been something my mom excelled at and I knew she enjoyed, but she hadn't completed many quilts in recent years. So I have made a decision to share Saturday mornings with one of the best mom's I know in Vegas and quilt together. Lord help me, you see I am not as patient as my mom and we have already discussed my consistency, but I figure these mornings with mom will help me grow in both of those areas.

Don't get me wrong my mom is not perfect and has her faults, but that is what makes her who she is. She has done the best she can with what she has been given. My biggest fear is her addictions, she has been smoking since she was 16 and started drinking more and more over the past 5-6 years. You see my mom has weathered many storms in recent years. It amazes me, she has such a strong faith and the motivation to get up each morning and take care of everyone around her...why?  you may ask well... for starters my mom is twice a widow. She not only lost one love of her life, but two. How does that happen and who deserves that crap? Some call it the widows curse, but my mom doesn't see it that way. She is grateful for her life and her experiences. So what gives me the right to complain about her having a few too many every now and then...yep you got it pretty much nothing. We all have created a safety net for her so that she is never in an unsafe environment, but we still worry about her health. However she will have you fooled if you see her because, although she smokes and drinks, it is not uncommon to catch her at the local Curves gym working out during her break from driving her daily bus route. Yeah the woman never slows down.

We are a lot alike me and my mom, we can't stand to not be around family and/or friends, we love our vices, we pick up a needle every now and then (for sewing of course), love to cook, but most importantly we are grateful for what life has gifted us and taught us....the good, the bad, and yes the UGLY.

Until Manana.....

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