Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3

Ok folks not going to be a very productive blog, unfortunately I've been in bed sick all day without many events to report. Except for one very disturbing comment my 9 year old son made today...when he got home from school I asked him how his day was and if anything eventful I was not ready at all for what came next...he told me he broke up with his grade school girlfriend and he seemed pretty content so I asked him why? He proceeded to tell me his girlfriend asked him "Do you want to three it?" and I asked what that meant. He then went on to explain she also liked another boy but didn't want to break up with him but wanted to go out with both of them at the same time....of course my son said no, being the monogamous gentleman I have raised him to be...

More importantly, what is this world coming to when one 9 year old asks another 9 year old if they want to be involved in polygamous relationship...I thought it was only the x generation that thought the world was owed to them....well as the great Book says there is nothing new under the sun and I am sure this isn't the first time this has happened in grade school, but parents prepare yourself.

The only response I could give is what anyone of you would say...."that was a good choice son, and in future relationships make sure to always answer this question the same with a big fat NO!"

Well that,  4 reruns of Tabitha's Salon Take Over, a box of Kleenix, and a bottle of Nyquil were all that entertained my day...however stay tuned for more this week. Have some interesting meetings lined up.

Until Manana....

1 comment:

  1. I'm shocked! I can't believe at that age that this kind of relationship even comes up. Thanks for the eye opener.

    I've been following your blog for a few days and finally have a minute to comment. I LOVE it! You write beautifully and I love hearing of other's traditions and how they handle life. Keep it going! :)

