Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 15

Ok so I am about 10 days to late, but not without good cause. Don't think I haven't been thinking about you everyday since I stopped the daily blog, because I did. However I was in deep thought about the reason I launched the 365 day blog and where it was headed.

The nightly blog had started to become monotonous and I was doing it just to honor the commitment I made on New Years, which sounds good if you are talking about dieting, but I am not. The blog became a chore rather than an inspiration, losing any lack luster it may have contained.

With that in mind I have decided to redirect but continue my commitment to blog for 365 days, just not 365 consecutive days. Yes I know this may take me into the following year, but remember it is not so much about quantity but quality.

So stay tuned for some more inspirational and sometimes humorous material. This next weekend should be exciting, Taylor (racecar client) is racing at the Irwindale Toyota Showdown. His recent test is on the homepage of the Irwindale Speeday, check out below:


So more to come as race weekend approaches...

Until Next Time (since manana is no longer appropriate)....

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14

Just one simple message tonight........everyone has a dream? What is yours and what have you done to make it happen? Has it changed, is it the same, are you living it? Just remember.....

With God Anything is Possible. He knows the desires of your heart (better than you) don't foget to listen to his voice.

Until Manana.......

Day 13

What's for dinner? Is one of the most asked questions by a child to their mother, there is gotta be some kinda research out there that says this question is asked 4.5 zillion times. Dinner for me is one of my "highs" of the day, already mentioned my passion for food and I love to cook. It may sound odd, but it is my way of winding down for the day. Preparing a meal for my famiy brings me a sense of peace, not sure they are always happy with what I cook....but how does that go...it's not who wins it is how you play the game....same theory applies for me when I cook...it's the process I enjoy most.

Holiday baking with the fam, not the most flattering pic, but in true form apron and all!
  Making the dinner is only one part of the whole experience, the fun starts when we sit down for dinner and begin our meal. Not sure about other families but I've heard dinner is rarely shared at the table with the family together and normalicy these days is different meals and different times for different members of the family. Well we have never been normal that is for sure. We do make it a point to sit down most evenings (prob 6 out of 7) and eat dinner as a family together, no T.V., hands washed, and kids help set table, get drinks, clean up etc...

Helping make dessert!

Like  I a said the fun begins when we sit down, with 7 different personalities, a lot of things can happen during dinner time. We are lucky to make it through dinner without any food fights, spilt drinks, hurt feelings and minor injurys.

Meals begin with a prayer, thus the quaralling begins, each person has taken it upon themselves to be the one to recite the prayer for the evenings meal. If a person of authority (me or dad) does not interrupt and assign someone the task quickly, they all start in with their own version. Trying to stop this process is a feat in itself. Everyone is talking at different speeds, tones, and because of their ages at different levels of speech.

My 3 years old, speaks incredibly fast with a very simple vocabulary "thank you Jesus for my mommy, my daddy, my food, my school, my house, my car, my toys...and continues to name every noun he's seen throughout the day. My 5 year old, instructs everyone to bow their head, close their eyes, and fold their hands, before the prayer can even begin, so while she's waiting for everyone to do this, the 3 year old is half way through his day thanking Jesus for toilet paper and recess. My 7 and 9 year old boys, have already begin eating or have tried to, but have been yelled at by my 17 year old for not waiting until prayers are completed. Not to mention they are getting the evil eye from the 5 year old for not bowing their heads, closing their eyes, and folding their hands. Eventually if the process is taking to long I will intervene and complete the prayer so we can all eat before the food is cold or spoiled.

Next we move on to the main discussion, which is "highs and lows". This is a tradition I recommend for any size of family, it is sure to strike some positive conversations with a laugh or two. Highs and lows are where each of us take a turn explaining what our high point for the day was and what our low point for the day was, if you don't have one or the other you can pass, but almost everyone has at least one and most of the time both. It's is a great way to find out what the kids experienced that day and poke around a bit in their lives to make sure everything is ok with them and gives us a chance to talk a little bit about our day. It is often funny because like before with the prayers, they are so unique.The order it which they take turns will also determine how the conversation will go.

If the 5 year old goes first we have to interrupt her at least 4-5 times to get her to come to the conclusion of usually her high...which is often describing a story involving a princess and a Disney movie. Next is usually the boys who are pretty quick at both, but very opposite. My 7 year old is very detailed and accurate, but if he is in a giggly mood forget about it, half of what he says won't make sense. My 9 year old turns a story from the day into the most recent thrill packed action movie (he is quite the Indiana Jones in most stories), we often have to pick and choose what we believe from his storytelling, you can count on 30% being accurate. My 17 year old usually has one or the other but not both....and it is usually about someone that pissed her off at school or someone that made her laugh so hard she peed her pants. Her stories usually make the rest of the kids laugh, because she often changes her voice and uses facial expressions to act like the people she is imitating in her story. And of course there is the 3 year old, who usually goes last, because he wants to hear everyone elses stories so he can wrap it up into a summary and make it his own...which is Hilarious because it invovles everyone's highs and lows, a monster truck, a plane explosion and a motorcycle with a flat tire, oh yeah and him fixing the above 3 with dad's tools.

Got the giggles.

17 year old explaining highs and lows

And then we went on a mission with Spiderman and the Monster Truck

By then we are ready to wrap up dinner time, and the 5 year old and 7 year old have already asked a dozen times if we are having dessert so they can force down most of their meal, knowing I won't let them have it if they haven't done their dinner justice. I don't force them to eat everything on thier plate (knowing how that created horrible eating habits for me as a child), but I do encourage them to taste everything and take a few bites of everything. Dessert is not served every night, but occasionaly through the week, it is a special treat and not expected after every meal.

Making Halloween Dessert
 And there you have it....family dinner time....it doesn't have to be some tedious task that you dread each night, turn it into the best time of the day and get a few laughs. You don't have to have kids to experience highs and lows you can do it with anyone you are sharing a meal with...try it, you might learn a few things....about yourself mostly.

Until Manana.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 12

Technical Difficulties-prevented me from blogging last night. So here is my alternate blog so that I can say that there was an attempt made for day 12, but just like humans, technology is not perfect. More to come later tonight about family and the importance of sitting down to eat a meal together, yes I said together all at the same time, no tv trays, etc....

Until Later.....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11

1/11/11-Life never seems to surprise me, but is as consistent as today's date.  For those of you like my husband, who appreciate vehicles, this will be right up your alley.

Our world is full of broken people, but that is not such a bad thing, because without broken people their would be no need for mechanics, thus our reason for existence.

We are the mechanics consistently repairing one another, whether it be fueling each other with hope and inspiration or giving each other a daily tune up. Everyone of us is needed by another, whether they are family member, friend, or a stranger. The sooner we understand the simple fact, we are here to help one another, the sooner we can get to work at our real job, as a mechanic. Some of us are skilled with body work while others are talented with the intricacies of building engines, but every part of us needs occasional TLC from a mechanic. Without something to repair a mechanic is useless.

Longer trips and bumpier roads, require more attention from a mechanic. The more highways we travel the wiser we become about the routes we have taken and the routes we should avoid, often leaving and pointing out a clear path for others to take. Every road trip will need a few oil changes and maybe a few new parts, but not without the help of a good mechanic, no vehicle can change their own oil.

We are all travelers, but not yet all mechanics. Being a mechanic is something you may have learned at a very young age, maybe a few mechanics took you under their wing and showed you few things in the shop when you got older, or you may have never experienced the expertise of mechanic so you don't know how important it is to be one....and know one. Well it is never too late to be a mechanic, with a world full of broken people in need of repair the job opportunities are limitless and the paycheck is incomparable.  When's the last time you filled someones tank or helped them change a much needed tire?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10

Must admit the most recent events in our world shake me...mostly as a mom. My heart goes out to the families in AZ that are grieving over lost ones, especially because it is so close to the home I grew up in. The question that boggles me most "Is this something new that is happening under the sun or has human kind always had such horrific events, just a different time different place?"

With a few history lessons I am quickly reminded, Evil has a new date, but unfortunately it is not new to dwell in human kind to massacre each other for undefined and misunderstood motives.

God Bless those families and God will glorify the events of that ugly day for good.....his promise is never broken.

Until Manana......

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9

Well hope you don't mind a few plugs for some new innovative and empowering products, cause you know now that Christmas is over I need to start my birthday list. My younger but I say bigger brother (he's the size of the average guy in Gold's Gym if you get my drift) invited the family over today to check out his new Kinects XBOX 360, not sure about the spelling. The point is this product was amazing it had everyone of our family members ages 3 to 55 up and exercising over and over again...now kid you not we didn't approach it as exercise, nor were we watching our diet considering the greasy burgers and dogs on the grill and incredible home-mayonnaise potato salad. Oh yeah and the made from scratch batch of chocolate chip cookies(which I had four of with a glass of 1% milk). Enough about food one of my favorite subjects that obviously and easily sidetracks my thoughts, more about this video game. I forgot to tell you the best thing about the video game, there is no stupid controller that runs out of batteries or has to be charged or that you have to by 5 versions of so everyone can play. Your body is the controller. Check out this video for a quick peek....

Now many game systems have come out in recent years that have tried to interact physically with the consumer, with all the bad rap they get because of the video addicted children they have created (mine included), it only makes sense they should attempt to clean up their reputation. Well I have to give them (NINTENDO) credit for this one...now I have really enjoyed the family time we have shared with rock band and how it has increased my children's musical culture, but this Kinect XBOX 360 is really something. We were all huffing, puffing, and begging to be the next challenger in the dance off. It was just like Karaoke except with dancing and we couldn't get enough of it. Midway through the challenges my mom was inspired to open a dance club...and incorporate this theory in the dance clubs so that everyone could show off their moves and not be a wall flower....just like her to think of the underdogs, even the ones with no rhythm.

You have to understand everyone of our family members has a complex personality, most of them have had some traumatic event in their lives and it affected them in very different ways, so for some of them to get up and shake their groove thing was a big step....so yep...it was like family therapy Kinects XBOX 360 style. And for that I am thankful, we had a blast and it was good clean fun, with only some slight alcohol inebriation....me a rum and coke and my mom a couple of beers. Shoot we both worked that off with a couple of "Jungle Boogie & Funky Town" sets. That was the other plus side to the game it showcased music from all eras so everyone can choose a song they recognized and connected with....however be careful to choose one you know, you could get hurt trying to pull some of those moves.

Well back to current issue at hand...what do I want more for my birthday a new sewing machine to help connect with my previously inner 1920's wife/mom or the video game that could possibly help me stick to those past new years resolutions and drop some poundage. Tough call, but more importantly my family would enjoy both...after all it's not all about me. But you know what they say honey (if you're reading this)...happy wife happy life! Plus maybe they"ll come out with a couples version of dance off for the Kinects XBOX 360. Now that's what I call date night...forget dinner and movie with hubby. I can imagine it now a little Def Leppard "Pour Some Sugar On Me" and some lingerie and I might get more than a sewing machine for my birthday. Somebody patten that before Nintendo gets word. And with that I leave you with a little teaser....

Until Manana.....

Day 8

Today was a wonderful day, the first quilting day with my dear mom. For those of you just tuning in...in an effort to spend more time with my mom and get in touch with my inner 1920's housewife/mom I have devoted my Saturday mornings to quilting with my mother. For those of you that know me, you would not gather I am the quilting type, in fact I am a self proclaimed rock n roll cowgirl who wears boots 6 days a week because I don't have the patience to tie my shoes. Others might say it is right up my alley, after all I love to cook and having a big family, it just comes with the territory. Well I must say I have a new devoted respect for quilters...and for squares. Yes, squares and I'm not referring to the guy/girl you dated in 8th grade. If you have never quilted then you won't get the square reference, but having to cut a couple dozen squares today to prep, was an experience in itself. Not to mention the math and geometry skills required for quilting, I mean for real, why don't you just thrown in Spanish and French and we would've covered every subject in the first year of college.

Originally the plan was my mom was going to work on making doll while I worked on a quilt, dolls are one of her real sewing passions. Well 30 minutes into working with me, she decided maybe it was best that she also work on a quilt she had already started so she could help me and I could learn by watching her.  Another 20 minutes into it...and she decided it would be best if we both worked on the same quilt and made two identical quilts. Knowing how nice my mom was, this was her way of guaranteeing that at least one quilt would come out ok, even if we had to sacrifice the other during the process. Wow....you can gather I was not the best student and had a lot to learn. God bless my mom, she was so patient and willing to work with my total inexperience. Well after 4-6 hours of prep, including going to the store to purchase materials and re-learning how to use the sewing machine again we accomplished.....da da dah....two whole squares...

I know it doesn't look like much, but those two squares kicked my a?#! But what was even more amazing was I didn't want to stop I wanted to do more...however I could tell my mom was ready to throw in the towel and call it a day....so I had mercy on her and we stopped.

Although she was wore out my mom would've continued for hours if I wanted. She was so happy and so was I, in fact we spent the whole day together talking and just hanging out, I didn't want to leave her. It felt so good to be around her and soak in her pure goodness.

My prayer tonight...Lord please help me to be at least part of the mom my mother is...and forgive me for any hurt I have ever caused her. Please bless the desires of her humble heart..she wants nor prays for anything but the safety and happiness of her children. Please fill her with that peace and thank you for blessing me with such a wonderful Mom. Amen.

Until Manana.....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 7

Ok remember when I said I would do the blog everyday it was physically possible, well yesterday was one of those days it was physically impossible. Flu set in and I was knocked out all day, so my apologies for missing day 7. However here is a few links and continuation of the last blog about my client Taylor Barton. In December Taylor had his first annual celebrity poker tournament at the Palms in Las Vegas. It was a fab event to benefit Taylor's new foundation to end Middle School and High School Bullying. There were some great celebs in attendance. Here are some you tube interviews you don't want to miss....

Taylor Thank You...

Interview with Maura Tierney from ER...

Interview with Richard Kind from Spin City...

Interview with Full Tilt Poker Pros....

Until later tonight for Day 8.....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6

As I thumbed through pics and videos today of this last year, I thought I'd wet your appetite with some events from this past year...after all who really knows if what I am saying is a bunch of BS right? Well one of my closest friends and client is NASCAR driver Taylor Barton and this year Taylor and I (as his manager nd friend) shared some memorable moments and met some incredible people. So I thought I'd share some of that excitement through video and photos. Here's Taylor in true Las Vegas style...he's not shy in front of the camera.

Here we are at his first race in 2010 at Irwindale Speedway in CA.

And here he is on the track with team...

Must say he is a pain in the ass, but I love him like he is my 6th child. He has grown so much over the time I have known him. You see Taylor is an only child, when he is around our family he sometimes get's overwhelmed with the kids and the chaos, but he also loves it and  the kids love him like a brother...it works out pretty good for everyone. There is one thing I know for sure...we have been brought together to remind ourselves to be humble and learn from each other. You can't really define our relationship but I am sure it will stand the test of time, God knows it has withstood many challenges already. He is a welcomed and appreciated permanent blessing in our lives.

Taylor was fortunate to test with Roush Racing and Kyle Busch Motorsports as he prepared for the 2011 season, for those of you who don't know NASCAR (believe me I didn't know much until I met Taylor) it is a pretty big deal. Which leads me to one of our most memorable trips this year. After the test with Kyle Busch in Atlanta we headed for the Big Apple. We were invited by a mutual friend to attend the launch of the Stan Lee Foundation during the kick off of Comic Con in NYC.

It was a surreal event for me...it was held at the NASDAQ fish bowl in Times Square.  The minute we walked in it was like we walked onto the set of Sex In The City. Taylor walked the red carpet and I waited on the other side, when he came over I heard a familar gay voice it was "Anthony" (Stanford's boyfriend/husband) from the show holding a martini in one hand in true SITC fashion. He came right over to Taylor and said "You're a NASCAR driver? Did you see SouthPark this last week it was all about NASCAR..it was hilarious..(include gay laugh)" I thought I was dreaming....I didn't know if I should laugh or wake myself up with a martini to the face....

Here's a pic of Anthony-Mario is his real name....
As we headed up stairs we mingled had drinks and conversations that I quickly forgot, with people that were quickly forgettable and some that were unforgettable. As Taylor and I mingled and caught a glimpse of Times Square outside the Fish Bowl....

It was about this time a familiar voice asked me "Don't you work at Boys & Girls Clubs in Las Vegas?" I turned around to see a somewhat familiar face... then Taylor whispered to me that is NEYO! We had done some work with him at the Clubs with the kids, he is originally from Las Vegas and very supportive of inner city youth. Kinda of in shock, I quickly introduced him to Taylor and we chatted for a bit and then he said why don't we do an interview together later...of courseI wasn't gonna let that opportunity slip by it would be great for Taylor and his goals to help the kids in Vegas. Not to mention NEYO was a very cool cat.

As the night went on there was part of the program for photo opps and who but Mrs. Drama Queen herself walked in...yes folks it was "Danielle" from House Wives of New Jersey..it was soo wierd. She was taking photos with Taylor and NEYO and then her publicist started asking me 20 questions about Taylor, she wanted to come as Taylor's date to Las Vegas for Taylor's Celebrity Poker Tournament (will share more about that recent event later) and we exchanged cards.

wierd pic of her putting her hand in front of camera...I think she was whispering something perverted in Taylor's ear, which I know he would get way to much gratification from....

Soon after NEYO and Taylor did their interview, not the best sound quality, you can barely hear me in the back asking questions. But the overal message was pretty good.

The night was pretty exciting. During the auction to benefit the Stan Lee (which we had met before and again that night, he is a genius and very sweet man) Taylor purchased the Fantastic Four robe that Stan wore in the episode of Big Bang Theory with a signed script...a true comic collector's dream piece.

Taylor and I ended the night in tru Comic Con and Stan Lee style with our favorite NYC hero Spidey himself...

Well can't say the night ended then...it was too early to crash and the lights and action kept us going, after all who can survive on appetizers smaller than a cocktail olive, we were both hungry after the party and stiff martinis...and if it ther is one thing Taylor and I share it is an appetite for good food. After our bellies were filled with New York's finest and greasiest treats we called it night and took home a cab.....pulled by horse in true NYC tourist style.

Until Manana......

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5

Not much to report today, still trying to shake a cold and just took some generic Nyquil so it won't be long, the generic brand has more alcohol.

Just a few life lessons that I was reminded of today:

Contentment is not a way of life, it is a life choice.
It's not personal, just business....is a contradiction. Without persons there is no business.
Optimism is not a gift everyone possesses, but is meant to be shared with everyone.
Failure to plan is planning to fail. (from my good friends the Bartons)

My brain hurts from all this philosophical thinking....good night friends.

Enjoy this pic I found on the web....it says a lot without many words. Is it a reflection of the life you are living?

Until Manana.....

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

I am my mother's daughter. Funny thing about being the oldest of 11 children, we all have our mother's qualities and I really never noticed until I started getting older. My mom is very traditional in the sense, she cooks home made meals, reads, sews, knits, quilts, bakes, gardens, and much more. When people ask me how do I do it, well I am quickly reminded of my mom. She is the hardest working. most patient forgiving woman I know. Even though she has 11 children ages 11-36, her vocation of choice is a school bus driver??? Crazy I know, even I don't get it. Not just normal average kids, but yes folks, she drives the short bus.The kids that need the most attention, handicapped children. But she get's up before the sun rises around 4 am everyday at the age of 50 something (yeah I don't want to know how old she is and I can barely remember my own kids ages sometimes) to drive around Vegas taking children to school.

As I get older I'm beginning to appreciate more the traditions my mom has passed down, everyone of us can whip up a meal with what's in the pantry, save $10 dollars at the grocery store with coupons and ads, and make a gift out of  recycled materials and scraps from the craft bin. Oh yeah and heal/relieve any cut, burn, or wound with good old soap and water and pure aloe vera straight from the backyard.

During the holidays the itch to sew came upon me and I made three felt embroidered stockings for the three youngest, who had not had the pleasure of having their own yet. That quickly kindled a longing in me to get back to learning about the crafts my mom knew so well. Quilting had always been something my mom excelled at and I knew she enjoyed, but she hadn't completed many quilts in recent years. So I have made a decision to share Saturday mornings with one of the best mom's I know in Vegas and quilt together. Lord help me, you see I am not as patient as my mom and we have already discussed my consistency, but I figure these mornings with mom will help me grow in both of those areas.

Don't get me wrong my mom is not perfect and has her faults, but that is what makes her who she is. She has done the best she can with what she has been given. My biggest fear is her addictions, she has been smoking since she was 16 and started drinking more and more over the past 5-6 years. You see my mom has weathered many storms in recent years. It amazes me, she has such a strong faith and the motivation to get up each morning and take care of everyone around her...why?  you may ask well... for starters my mom is twice a widow. She not only lost one love of her life, but two. How does that happen and who deserves that crap? Some call it the widows curse, but my mom doesn't see it that way. She is grateful for her life and her experiences. So what gives me the right to complain about her having a few too many every now and then...yep you got it pretty much nothing. We all have created a safety net for her so that she is never in an unsafe environment, but we still worry about her health. However she will have you fooled if you see her because, although she smokes and drinks, it is not uncommon to catch her at the local Curves gym working out during her break from driving her daily bus route. Yeah the woman never slows down.

We are a lot alike me and my mom, we can't stand to not be around family and/or friends, we love our vices, we pick up a needle every now and then (for sewing of course), love to cook, but most importantly we are grateful for what life has gifted us and taught us....the good, the bad, and yes the UGLY.

Until Manana.....

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3

Ok folks not going to be a very productive blog, unfortunately I've been in bed sick all day without many events to report. Except for one very disturbing comment my 9 year old son made today...when he got home from school I asked him how his day was and if anything eventful happened...now I was not ready at all for what came next...he told me he broke up with his grade school girlfriend and he seemed pretty content so I asked him why? He proceeded to tell me his girlfriend asked him "Do you want to three it?" and I asked what that meant. He then went on to explain she also liked another boy but didn't want to break up with him but wanted to go out with both of them at the same time....of course my son said no, being the monogamous gentleman I have raised him to be...

More importantly, what is this world coming to when one 9 year old asks another 9 year old if they want to be involved in polygamous relationship...I thought it was only the x generation that thought the world was owed to them....well as the great Book says there is nothing new under the sun and I am sure this isn't the first time this has happened in grade school, but parents prepare yourself.

The only response I could give is what anyone of you would say...."that was a good choice son, and in future relationships make sure to always answer this question the same with a big fat NO!"

Well that,  4 reruns of Tabitha's Salon Take Over, a box of Kleenix, and a bottle of Nyquil were all that entertained my day...however stay tuned for more this week. Have some interesting meetings lined up.

Until Manana....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

Wow, we made it to day 2 a big accomplishment for most of you that know me...but after the last post I have had some revelations on what could make this blog more beneficial to the readers and not just free therapy for me...so here's what I came up with-why should you just hear about my life...why not the other fabulous people that I encounter. After all those conversations are what spur creativity and wisdom.

More importantly how do other successful individuals in Las Vegas "Do" every day life...so there it is I will make a conscious effort to strategize and not only share my experiences but also my experiences with some incredible Las Vegans and maybe some outside of Las Vegas. This week I will begin to coordinate interviews with some of Las Vegas' finest, especially the super moms that have been raising kids in Las Vegas for years. Hopefully we all can learn a few things along the way.

I am open for suggestions, send me comments on women and men you would like to hear from so we can find out how they came to make Las Vegas their home or grew up here.
Outsiders often complain that Las Vegas is too transient a town to have culture and comment that "what kinda people would raise a family here?"  Let's find out together and prove them wrong. Sin City has a lot more to offer than most believe.

More to come on Raising Las Vegas....

Until manana.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

As I begin to experiment with blogging, I have learned a few things. Titles are important...spelling and grammer not so much. Also there needs to be a more defined goal. With that being said since it is New Years Day and one of the only things I have been consistent with each New Year is consistently setting the same New Year's resolutions and consistently failing to achieve them...so I have made a new resolution to write/blog every day (that it's physically possible). If anything at the end of the year I will have a book whether I wanted one or not, I can check that off the bucket list...write a book....check!

No one ever said it had to be published, but who knows maybe someone will think it's worth sharing with others...because of my business and because I am in Las Vegas, it has allowed me some rare opportunities such as sitting next to Chuck Liddell  (famous UFC champion) to conversing with the controversial Joe Jackson..and oh yeah having lunch with NASCAR Champion Kyle Busch to name a few in the last year....and the funny part is these things all happen within minutes of changing my child's diaper to disciplining my teenage daughter for shoplifting...and there it is folks the dynamics of Heather's life.

Sounds self absorbed...right...well I can't say there isn't a little selfishness in this process I would be lying. But more importantly the goal is to become more selfless throughout this process. This past year shockingly enough my eyes have been opened to many of the things I have done to lead me to this point in my life. All the choices and all the consequences...good and bad. What I do know is that this is right where God planned me to be and for that I am thankful...let's take a quick recap...

Married/Divorced/Married (all the same man) now there's a story right? Five children (three dad's) whew this is getting better and better....Business owner (consulting firm) things are looking up....and let's see oh yeah 36 and half years old...yes I look forward to my older years, the freedom it brings. I don't fear my 40th nor my 50th birthday...my children will all be grown and starting their adult lives...my oldest is 17 going to be 18 in May. Don't worry I will do the math for you I was barely 19 when I had her....the others are much younger....9 (boy) -7 (boy) -5 (girl) -and 3 (boy).

One more thing that is pretty important to me and what keeps me focused, my Christianity, I was baptized Christian in 1999, but before that raised Catholic. Don't worry my goal is not to preach to you about being a Christian, you see I do my best to not ever mention my faith, unless the opportunity presents itself. I prefer that my actions speak louder than words, however seeing it's a little difficult to do that via blog, I will put it out there this one time. Believe me I stumble on a daily basis and a four letter word is not uncommon in my vocabulary. But to prevent this from sounding like an ad for a Christian dating site I will stop there and move on quickly.

Since it's close to being the second day, in closing I wish you a Happy New Year!
P.S. make realistic and achievable resolutions....

Until Manana...

Holidays End with our own version of GLEE

Well the holidays are coming to an end as a new year begins. But before I sadden myself about Christmas being over, I must replay some of this seasons greatest moments. As mentioned previously I had planned several holiday events to help me and my children understand the true meaning of Christmas.

One of this holidays most memorable events was going Christmas caroling with the kids. We rehearsed it seems every time we got in the car. We had planned to do quick renditions of Jingle Bells, Silent Night, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, Away In The Manger, and We Wish You A Merry Christmas....we only sang one chorus of each song which kept each door stopping event to about two minutes. Our list of houses included grandmas, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, and friends. Being the oldest of ten kids you could imagine there were many stops to be made. We headed out about 3:30, my sister had made little bags of Santa's Soup (consisting of a packet of hot chocolate, candy cane, marshmallows, and chocolate mint kisses) which were to be given out to the lucky patrons who had to endure two minutes of tone deaf Christmas madness.

Aww I must admit we didn't sound that bad, considering our chorus was mainly children, most of them boys 9 and under. In fact most patrons welcomed us with open doors and applause after the first song...we eventually had to add an announcement at the beginning to ask them to hold the applause till the end. However I knew some wished it stopped after Jingle Bells.

I must say out of the many stops we made there were a few that were the most memorable and these were our impromptu stops. You see once the kids got going they wanted to Christmas carol anyone in our path, hence the wonderful clerks at 7Eleven. Yes when we stopped to get gas they all insisted that the clerks should also be entertained with their holiday GLEE, as most would be I was hesitant but proceeded with caution. After filling up with gas the original intent of our 7Eleven visit, the kids piled out of the car into the store...it took a few minutes for them to gather their composure and for me to explain there was going to be no visit to the Slurpee machine or the candy isle. The clerks couldn't be happier in fact she called the other clerk off break to come enjoy the festive caroling. I could tell she wasn't so happy having to come in from her much anticipated smoke break wondering what the heck this was all about. But as soon as the kids started their mini pageant both clerks almost broke down to tears. As I hurriedly rushed them through the songs I couldn't help but think this would be a great time for someone to take advantage of this situation. Which I must say with the recent convenience store robberies in Vegas this probably was not a good idea.

All is well and we all made it through OK and rushed through our next two stops before the tiredness of the kids took over. But before we came to an end the kids insisted again on doing a random stop at my brother's neighbors house. They were extremely surprised and puzzled. When my daughter lifted the goody bag to give them their treats, one of them commented...oh they want a donation. But were quickly relieved/surprised when we gave them something instead of asking for something....funny thing about the attitudes of people these days, they have their guard up always on the defense...but even more so when all you want to do is give them something for nothing...such an unheard of concept especially in Vegas....

What was it that Ice Cube said...ohh yeah Today was a good day!